The school office is open from 8:00am until 4:00pm on days students are in attendance. The office is closed for part of the summer.
Students attendance hours are:
Students in Grades K-5
8:15am (9:20am on Late Start Wednesdays)- Doors Open
8:25am (9:25am on Late Start Wednesdays)- Students Need to Be In Their Classroom Ready to Learn
11:30pm- 11:50pm- K-2 Students have Lunch; 3-5 Students have Recess
11:55pm- 12:15pm- K-2 Students have Recess; 3-5 Students have Lunch
3:05pm- Instruction Ends- Students Pack Up and Are Dismissed With Their Classroom
Students in Grades PK/EC
AM Session- 8:50am- 11:40am (Late Start Wednesday- 9:25am- 11:40am)
PM Session- 12:25pm- 3:00pm